Do you have any problem on Trumpf Machines?

You can log your errors through our online portal.

Log your error

Service Companion

Service made easy……..much faster………visual……………on-line………..simple

  • First Page on the Sevice Companion

    This is an internet-android tablet based (minimum 10 inch) system for quick identification of the problem.

    After the customer enters in to an agreement with Laser Services, the software shall be provided, to be loaded on the Tablet.

    Each machine shall be identified with a unique bar code, the customer has been given, and after scanning the same , Laser Services shall accept the call and proceed.

  • Service Companion ....................

    A chat facility with our exclusively designed chat software, exclusive chat server…… to communicate fast. An image of the area of the problem, screen etc.. can be uploaded immediately.

  • Service Companion............

    Our expert team can identify and mark the area to be checked and send the picture back.

  • Service Companion..........

    The Service Companion has annotations options etc.. to conveniently use them for high-lighting the errors, parts etc..

  • Service Companion............

    30 seconds video can be uploaded to clarify the errors better …………….

  • Service Companion..............

    What more………….The images sent by you and Laser Services are stored in Gallery for easy access for future reference…..